Jumaat, 18 Jun 2010

|| my tears drop & my smile ||

19 june 2010.....ni date arini, yg eith nak share 18 june 2010~... heh heh heh...

actually, today genap 4 bln realation eith n E. evry month eith wish, tp cik abg xpnh wish balek..sbbnye, xtaula plak.. jd, bln ke4 ni, eith decide xnk wish........jd xde jd papela...heee... cik abg dh pomis dh jmpa arini, coz nak bg balek lappy eith.... dr hari slasa eith tgu tak x..huh..tp.........laz mnt..............................................

" **** ajk E kuwa~ huhu...."

arghhh!!! pns aty deeer!.....p mcm xcye gakla E pjok eith~~~ jrg2 cik abg nak pjok eith kalo eith mjok!~ ehhehhe......tp, ku kerskan haty..eceyh..ahahah...laz2 dye kuwala ngn kwn nya...meraong2la ku d dapo tu...( over la plk)..nges je la....kcik aty la katakan...hehehehe...

cte sdeyh xbesh cte..skit aty..sooo???.. FULLSTOP!

^^ tp ade smbg..ahhaah............................dhla bengang ngn report lom cyap, layn je la FB....tgh syok2 eith on9......................msg dtg la plk........................

" hpy anivrsy bby.. sory eith.. juz wana let u know that i luv u so much,, mre than u know.. gud nite princess.. "

hah! sejibik aku salin tau..eheheh...............u noe wat....pas bc msg tu kan...hatyku yg hanco leboQ td berbunga2~~~ blOOming2 ^^.. yelakan..fez tym deer msg cmtu~~~~ ehehehee......then eith xtau nk reply ke x........niat aty nak krskan haty, tp muka ada sym...xdapek den nak mghlg tgn menaep..tp yg beysa2 jela....... tp, sejujonya eith mmg terharu sgt,,spchlss....huhuh...

tbe2 blank la plk kpala otak aku ni..haha

i've been waiting bout 4month for dat miracle...1month for that day..24hours for that wish....result = meaningfull ~~♥♥♥♥ spchless..........tx~ ^^ ♥!

Rabu, 16 Jun 2010

i need allah in my life

houses which Allah has permitted to be raised to honor, for the celebration in them, of his name: in them is He glorified in the morning and the evening” (Al Quran, 24: 36).

Though life and death are both from Allah (SWT), one of the most virtuous things a human being can do is to help play a role in giving life. After all, by giving charity to those less-fortunate, those that deserve it may benefit from it.

One way I would like to recommend ‘giving-life’ is to donate blood. In many cases, one pint of blood (the average donation) saves the lives of three people. Can you imagine the sadaqa involved in helping prolong the lives of three different people?

Allah (SWT) tells us in the Quran, “For this reason did We prescribe to the children of Israel that whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men; and certainly Our messengers came to them with clear arguments, but even after that many of them certainly act extravagantly in the land” (Translation of the Meaning of the Holy Quran, 5:32).

Therefore, next time you see a blood mobile in your locality, consider giving the gift of life as the process is generally painless and the reward is with Allah (SWT).

Selasa, 15 Jun 2010

~my soul~

" nvermind~ as long as u LOVE ME..ryte?..do you??.."

"yEz~ i LUV U.."

||i'll do anythg as long he wont get hurt.i ❤ him such a damn much!||


Ahad, 13 Jun 2010

~tribute 3jun 2010~

as i was promise, 3 jun eith bawk E pg tgok wyg~ LAGENDA BUDAK SETAN !~ ^^
dat day eith kuwa dgn member..my bestfwen with her boy..kte g spring dulu ar..then, baru g parkson..kt parkson la jmpa E..E balik keje twus g ctu..demi cintany padaku.. :) ..hehe..nothing dats really2 speacial...jus, yg spcl nya eith hangout dgn mygurl...dan adenya 'budak setan eith' ^^

tp, dat nyte..eith xsmpt bwk E pg mamam sdgkn E lapa sesagt..coz, eith perlu balek dgn member..E takde bwk helmet lbeyh..huhu..so sad...rs bert je nak lpskan E balik sensorg..huhu..p nka wat cmne kan.. asalkan E thu eith xsgaje pun xbwk E g mkn...kalaula eith smpt bwk E pg kfc jap b4 tgok wyg tu~ huhuhu..but, nvermindla..hehe...

dat muvie quite sweet la..coz ade farid kamil n lisa surihani...hehe..E is my farid kamil~ ^^ sbb tu la sume cte farid kamil wjib tgok..eheh..tp, cte semerah cinta stilleto je xsmpt nak tgok..hehe..mslh kwngn~ hee...

nila antara gmba yg sempt d ambek..( mygurl yg ambek) tx to herr~ :)
i look fat there! ahaha..but, nvermind..as long E still love me.. urm....E?? do you??..hehehe joke!^^pict tu glp ckit..kt wyg la kan..mmg golap~ ahah..yg x besh nye..tym tgok muvie ni, part sdeyh2 E smpt lagi gelak.haiya~ ahahah..p i like his SMILE~ ♥

n diz 1 pict yg mygurl curik ambek (act bwat tak tau gurl tgh ambek gmba) hehehe..i like dis one! nice..hehehe...^^ but, his hair bcme soo long..aiya~ babe..potongla rmbut tu...takyah la nak jd farid kamil..hehe...tp kan eith xnak la ending cte nie sm ngn cte LBS ni,,,ehehhe,,, xnak seprate!~ huhu...aminnn~ :)

*tx 4 da nyte babe..LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!~ ♥ ^^

Khamis, 10 Jun 2010

~ terkesok (T.T) ~

waa~ lmenye xupdate blog.. tym ni, eith ngah praklinikal..kt KK TANAH PUTIH..mulanya agak mmbosankan jgak la..p, laz syok~ ehhe..takpe2..nanti esok2 eith memahatkan aktiviti2 attachment kteorg..esok laz klinikal..yay~ dpt bgn pg lwt!!~ ehehhe...KK TANAH PUTIH kompm rindu aku punye..ahahah...p, msty rs lain kan, bez la jd MLT...yeahh~ aahah.."KAMI SEDIA MEMBANTU" ahah..

hehe...2ndly, tx 2 my dearest bestgirlfwen>> ein!~<< style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">lagenda budak setan dgn E...mnis sgt2 tym tu..xtau apsal..tp, rs xnk plg je..huhu..p tu lain hary cte,,,eith tgh ade perang dunia ke 5 smbg ke 6!!~ cte sdeyh~ xnak cte arh..huhuhu... :) hari terkesok seTRINORA!..huhuh....we had fight..he want some space..ok~ hmm... kerana xnk sgt nak mlyn emo eith nie..eith pun bwat2 la rajin..hehe..bwat 'POPIA SEAWEED'..heheh..sooodappp~ :) fez tym eith dtg rjin bwt bnde cenggini..eheheh..sng je bwt nye, p eith nak jgk aja ( bowsan act..^^) hehe....such a smple ways ...

(1) fezly!..hehe..mstyla potong popia kan..then potong seeweed..bkak satu persatu~

(2) then, sapukan puteh telo...(kunin telo msk dlm sup~ nyum2) ehhehe...

(3) lpas tu, ltk seaweed, then, tenyehkan lagi puteh telo tu atas seaweed td~..


(4) letak lagi satu lapis popia...the, siap suda~~!!! ahaha...


(5) tet!!..lom g.......cut it into pieces...then..we goreng2..hehehhehe~ ^^


(6) tentedenn!!!!~~~ dh cyap~..hehehe....nmpk xsedap..p sedap!~~ ^^

dh cyap popiaku~ hehehh...simple..tp bez kalo d bwk menganyang...heheh..slmt mencube~ ^^
nyum2..tx popia~ mnyelamtkan hary terkesok ku~ hehe...^^
rasa haty nak bagi setengah kat E..tp, E ckp jgn kacau dye dulu~~..uhuhuuh..nvermind..nex tym eith bwt untk E..pomise..inyaALLAH~ amin~! :)

Rabu, 2 Jun 2010

~mish my serizawa~

cte LAGENDA BUDAK SETAN kwa pawagam arini~ n 2day pun mcm mimpi je!!!!! hehehe..E kol eith! heheh..bunyi mmg mcm biase je..tp, 2day lain la..ckp ngn eith lmbut je sore, he make me smile~ *wink2! ^^ .. cyg E!!!! ehehe.. mcm xcaye je mlm ni E msg dgn eith..E is comeback~! ehhe..

E : hp E dh coma..
eith : oe..xpa..ny kt umah A ka?..
E : aok..lak E msg eith k..luv u
eith : ok..i ll wait.

4 a long tym E dh xckp he luv me..huhu..arini pun msg byk2~~ hehehe...indunya~

" huny cyg bby jwk.."

ope my smile will long lasting~ nw i can sleep with smile without tears~ ^^